Our dogsOstrobot Futrzak PodlaskiChampion of polandGrand Champion of PolandDOB.: 4.01.2019Color: white & blackDNA certificateDraiochta Anam CaraChampion of polandPolish Grand Championship startedDOB.: 17.01.2022Color: white & blackDNA certificateDNA confirmedFieodor Dio PresentJUNIOR CHAMPION OF POLANDPolish Championship startedImport: Ukraine (Odessa)DOB.: 7.12.2022Color: white, grey & fawnBriggiteChampion of polandImport: Ukraine (Odessa)DOB.: 25.03.2020Color: whiteDNA certificateFarvardin Dio PresentJUNIOR CHAMPION OF UkraineImport: Ukraine (Odessa)DOB: 6.03.2018Color: whitePeggyJUNIOR CHAMPION OF POLANDPolish Championship startedImport: Ukraine (Odessa)DOB: 14.11.2022Color: greyDNA certificateDzherlynda Ot DoroschinoyImport: UkraineDOB: 11.04.2024Color: grey